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Skellig - David Almond A wonderful novel -- one that isn't hampered by its being written for a YA audience. The story of a boy who moved into a new home while his family grappled with his newborn sister's fight to survive, Almond takes a fairly depressing story and drops in remarkable characters in the form of a neighbor girl and Skellig -- an apparently supernatural creature whose origins aren't wholly clear.The synopsis sounds odd, but Almond does a masterful job of weaving it all together, and while perhaps a teensy bit more explanation would have been useful, the overall effect is one of a slightly surreal, wholly engaging coming-of-age story. I'm not sure how I started reading YA titles (Skellig was recommended by Nick Hornby in one of his Believer columns), but Almond's Skellig has been among the best.The neighbor character was so compelling that Almond went on to write a prequel novel about her, which will soon land on my reading list. I loved Skellig; it was sweet and real where other YA novels might have become sappy and unbelievable, and the drama feels very real. Might make a good movie.