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Excelling at Chess
Jacob Aagaard
The Art and Craft of Feature Writing: Based on The Wall Street Journal Guide
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An essay collection that has stuck with me over the decades...

We Are Still Married - Garrison Keillor

In the 1980s, I’d heard Keillor’s Prairie Home Companion on the radio (and loved it) and read his novels, but hadn’t read his essay work until I bought We Are Still Married in 1990. It’s one of the handful of books that have traveled with me the decades since, and I never really get tired of reading it.

A collection of essays and stories, it showcases Keillor’s unique mixture of folksy humor and urbane, self-deprecating wit.

Most importantly, it’s jammed with the kind of written insights that linger long after the book has been closed, and it prepped me to read more of Keillor’s books (I love the essays more than the fiction).

The writing is consistently good, but the collection is somewhat uneven. I didn’t care, but others might. This collection appeared relatively early in Keillor’s career, yet this book (and the recently released “Keillor Reader” greatest hits essay book) remain on my Top 10 Desert Island books list.